I was taking an online survey today about groceries, with a variety of agree/disagree questions, like "I enjoy experimenting with new and/or different flavors or types of foods," "I read the nutritional labels to decide what to buy" and "I enjoy shopping for food."
And then I came to one that seemed out of place: "I have great memories of eating sausage with my family."
I think I checked "disagree" because I could barely remember any specific mornings of eating sausage with my family, let alone having any great memories. I have lots of memories of mornings with blueberry pancakes, but I never really dwelled on the sausage. And I have to wonder, does anyone?
Actually, yes, as long as kielbasa is considered in the sausage family. I'm part Polish and we have a long-standing tradition of having fresh and smoked kielbasa Christmas and Easter mornings.
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