Dreaming My Life Away
Okay, I've always known I have really random dreams, and a recent one made me laugh again. All of the following elements were included in a single morning's dream.
*a man came over with a giant lawnmower to get one spot of grass that I had missed (but the grass in that spot was REALLY tall)
*neighborhood twins eating vanilla popsicles and asking if they could have the toy truck that was buried in my flower garden (btw, my neighborhood has no twins that I know of, and there is no toy truck buried in my flower garden.)
*picking blueberries out of my teeth
*a cartoon-like sequence where someone's evil plan was to make money by manufacturing the flu and selling special bottles of antibiotics from the top of a mountain. And I was apparently a character in this cartoon and bought two of these bottles.
*Frank Sinatra - at an old fashioned horse track
How these things all fit together in my mind, I'm still not sure.
Per the last entry, it's not hard to see how all this fits in your mind. ;)
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