Friday, May 18, 2007

Best Children's Sermon Ever

At my grandparents church this last Sunday, the children gathered around the pastor at the front of the church for the children's sermon. And after just a few minutes in, I pulled out paper to take notes. Not on the topic, but on the comments the kids kept saying.

First, as the pastor asked the kids to come forward, she also needed to get new batteries for the mic she was wearing. This is a fairly traditional church where the pastors wear robes, and as she fiddled with the batteries, one of the kids asked, rather loudly, "Do you have clothes on under there?"
"Yes," she responded, laughing, but then one of the other pastors joked, "But don't ask Pastor Dave that!"

Then the pastor started asking the kids questions about the worship service. Again, being a traditional church, the worship order is always the same. "What comes after the Gospel reading?" the pastor asked, hoping someone would remember that it was the sermon. But without hesitation, one little boy shouted out, "doughnuts!"

Later the pastor was describing a really yummy hamburger, and asked the kids, "What do you put on your hamburger?" "Ketchup," was one response. "Pickles, cheese," were others. And then one little girl suggested, "Chicken."

When the pastor got to one of the main points she was trying to make, talking about rules. "What are some rules you have at your house?" she asked. "No fighting." "Pick up after yourself." And as if on cue, one boy suggested, "No nose-picking."

"And what are some rules that God has?" she questioned them further. "No stealing." "No cheating." And my favorite, "No hitting or kicking girls." I don't know where it is in the Bible, but I agree, it's a good one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to provide you with hours of free fodder for your blog. Come on over any night and spend some time with our little comedians. We'll be back around midnight!

9:24 PM  

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