Another Gabe moment
I sat beside Gabe at the EPA lunch the other day. It was a bonus lunch for me, but Gabe and Christy had already established a routine that she would always give him her leftover dessert, since she never ate more than a few bites. But this lunch, Gabe and Christy were several tables away from each other, so Gabe had to go and check to assure that she would still hand over her dessert. He showed up just as they had been served their dessert, and she responded, “I haven’t even taken a bite yet!” But she still agreed to give him her leftover carrot cake. At our table, though, we had just finished our main course when Christy brought over the cake. Gabe was excited, but also worried when he realized they were starting to pass out the desserts, and he was already holding a piece of cake. He quickly moved it off the table, and sort of balanced it in his lap for a minute, then, as almost everyone else at the table got cake, he decided that more extreme action needed to be taken. He carefully placed the cake under the table, and waited for his next piece. But the program began, and the wait staff disappeared, and Gabe just sat there watching the rest of us eat. So he pulled his cake out and ate it discreetly in his lap. The best part was that Terri saw him pull the cake out from under the table, but had missed the rest of the drama.
“Did you get that off the floor?” she asked.
And, sad to say, Gabe never did get his extra piece of cake.
that is sad
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