Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Baby's first words

My friend Mary's one-year-old girl knows over 30 words already. Hooray Gabby!

Her daycare center even gives out flashcards to help with word comprehension. But I'm a little concerned about the instructions for parents on the back.

Actual cards:

-Eat some bread! As you enjoy it, talk with your child about how the bread tastes and smells. Yum!

Blackbird [really?...couldn't just start with learning "bird"?]
-Sing a song of sixpence! Sing your favorite song about birds to your child. [I had to stop and think if I knew any songs about birds. It's really not a common topic for songs nowadays. Maybe Justin Timberlake should bring the bird-song-back instead.]

-Bake a pie with your child. Your child will love helping you stir the ingredients together! Be sure to do the actual baking yourself. Let the pie fully cool before serving to your child.


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