Friday, January 13, 2006

The Message

Gabe is on the phone, and I hear him say, "that is funny." Then there's a pause. "Yeah, that's funny." Another pause. Then, he bursts out laughing, and sort of says to himself, "I can't believe I did that," or something similar. Later, I hear the whole story. His sister was leaving him a very long message in a very conversational tone, and telling a funny story about their mom. Apparently Gabe forgot he was listening to the message, and when his sister commented, "Can you believe Mom did that?," Gabe answered. Then, thinking she must not have heard him, he said it again. As she continued with her story, Gabe realized he couldn't remember if it was a real conversation or a message. So he looked at his phone and it said "message" and that's when he burst out laughing.

Is that about right, Gabe? (Thanks for the laughs.)