Commercial people
Yesterday in a very random TV moment, I suddenly asked Kristin, "do you think all the people in commercials are from California?"
I had been watching a pizza commercial, when it hit me that the delivery guy was most likely not a real delivery guy, that he was probably an actor, and therefore could easily be from California. Then I realized that almost all the commercial people could be from California. I pointed this out for the next several commericials, and I asked her if she thought we would see some of the commercial people on the streets if we lived in California.
She laughed, and said they could be from New York as well. Okay, so California or New York.
Then I told her it was just like Disney, how when we go to the parks we could know the people who are in all the shows because they all live in Orlando. Then, still in a random moment, I said, "The problem with Disney is that they're all in costume, so we can't really see who they are."
Playing along, Kristin said, "yes, if only they weren't in costume, we would be seeing people from Disney everywhere in Orlando!"