Thursday, January 25, 2007


And coming...

Nicole Kidman in Car Accident During Movie Shoot

....LAPD Capt. Andrew Smith said Kidman was a passenger in the vehicle that spun out of control during filming. Smith said his officers were told the vehicle was not involved in a stunt when it went out of control.
The injuries, he said, were mostly minor.
"She had a boo-boo. But one of the people involved suffered a broken arm," Smith said.

Email to Guy

They just keep coming...

From Sandra:
I am in Croatia. Wont get anzthing to zou til the end of first week of Feb. Theres no apostrophe on this kezboard and z is where y belongs. sorrz, Guz.

Cell phone

I don't have to work for these anymore. I just check my email.

From Brian:
Hey everyone, I lost a black nokia cell phone recently at work. It didn’t make it home and I have been unable to find it. Please let me know if you see it.
It should ring if you dial (618)...

From Karie:
Oh that was yours??? I kept asking who’s it was and no one knew.. So I called everyone in the phone book and I had a great conversation with Phillip, but he wasn’t much help with find out the phone dilemma... Actually... I think I might have forgotten to talk about the phone. But we had a great conversation about the hope we still had for the Rams. That’s all lost now though. Anyway, it finally turned off and so I donated it to the battered women’s shelter. Sorry. Hey, but think, your loss is helping some sweet woman out there have security. That is SO cool!