Friday, August 25, 2006

My nephew

He's not really my nephew, but my sister's dog is as close as it comes. His name is Isaac, and he's a retired racing greyhound. And he definitely deserves some space on the funny blog. (yes, that's a dog biscuit lei from Hawaii around his neck.)

Deb and Rob told me a story about when they took Isaac to Rob's parents cabin, and Rob brought some of his hunting buddies along. Isaac was sleeping in the living room with some of the guys, and one of them started snoring. Isaac had never heard snoring before, so we went to investigate.

The whole cabin woke up when Isaac actually stuck his nose into the poor guy's mouth, and he screamed.


“That’s what separates man from beast—the fact that we’re not afraid of vacuums. “ - from Rob, my brother-in-law

All in the Family

I guess I'm not the only one in my family who has weird dreams. My sister had a dream the other night in which she was asking my dad about he and my mom's upcoming trip to Norway. She asked him if he knew how to say anything in Norweigian, and he replied, "I know how to say, 'my wife speaks very good Norwegian, and I have high blood pressure and a tendency for blood clots." Then he said the same thing in Norwegian to my sister, which she didn't understand, because it was apparently in Norwegian.
The funny part is that my sister doens't speak Norwegian. Neither does my dad. Or my mom. They were trying to learn a little before their actual trip, but I don't think they were too successful. Certainly not enough to learn words like blood pressure or clots. (this is my sister's nursing background coming into her dreams.)