Football, Philosophy, and Korean BBQ

In Hawaii I ate several times at Yummy's Korean BBQ. It's actually a chain restaurant in Hawaii. The name is unique enough, but I love what they have printed on all their cups.
"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride and never quit, you will be a winner."
Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
University of Alabama
I'm so curious to know how in the world his quote ended up on the cups. It doesn't seem like a particularly memorable quote, but maybe it is to the Hawaiian Koreans. Perhaps Coach Bryant was a deep lover of Korean food (because I'm sure they have a lot of it in Alabama.) Or maybe the Koreans have some long-held respect for Alabama football. As far as I can tell, Bear never visited Korea, or even Hawaii for that matter. But whatever the reason, as we enjoy our yummy BBQ, we can all learn from his deep and heartfelt wisdom.
And on the other side of the cups, there's an even more profound quote.
"Expect the unexpected."
Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
University of Alabama
Wow, if that's not advice to steer your life by, I don't know what is. It should almost be in the Bible. But if Jesus didn't say it, the next best thing (to lovers of Korean BBQ, at least) is Coach Bryant. Now you can go and live life to the fullest.
So here's to Bear Bryant, the most profound Korean philosopher to ever live in Alabama!