I love my team
I love my team, and this series of emails sent last Friday afternoon is one of the reasons...
from Mark:
The new issue is in, and we will have our pizza lunch next week (the day is yet to be determined), but please remember to read the issue thoroughly. (Reading the issue is not optional. No read, no repast.)
from Erik:
(another requirement for coming to the pizza lunch is to know what the heck Mark’s e-mail means!)
At least now you know why WWC pays him the big bucks, throwing words around like “repast” in an e-mail!
from Jason:
Is repast some type of polish pasta dish?
from Terri:
I think it’s a left-over pasta dish.
from Carolyn:
Now you have Heather asking what kind of Kiszka to order.
from Erik:
Main Entry: re·past
Pronunciation: ri-'past, 'rE-"
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Old French, from repaistre to feed, from re- + paistre to feed, from Latin pascere -- more at FOOD
1 : something taken as food : MEAL
2 : the act or time of taking food
from Jason:
It is related to pasture, "the grass grown for the feeding of grazing animals, or the land used for grazing."
So if it is like cows chewing their cud, then it gives a whole new meaning to Terri's leftover pasta. That's just wrong.
from Stephanie:
It’s way too obvious that it’s a Friday afternoon down there at Lake Hart. I’ve got some chores around the house I can set you all to if you’ve got nothing better to do.
(a few days later)
from Mark:
The pizza lunch to celebrate and review our March/April issue will be this Thursday at noon.
Read the issue before arriving.
Come ready to express what you liked about the text, images and design (this is a celebration after all).
Have a few suggestions for improvement that will help all of us do our jobs better in the future.
Please send specific proofing errors that you notice to me.
We’ll see you there!
- Mark -
P.S. The above text is written at a sixth grade level. If you don’t recognize a word, feel free to use a dictionary to look it up.
from Jason:
You are right about your message being written at the 6th grade level. The only word I understood was pizza.