Funny friends
Gabe: i gotta roll
Gabe: piece
Tricia: lata
Tricia: piece of what
Gabe: piece of peace
Gabe: peace
Tricia: there ya go....
Gabe: a small portion of colored leather cut away from the saddlebag of an Indian Chief named Wampalipiwah
Gabe: that's the piece of what
Tricia: you're officially a dork
Gabe: but you laugh and smile when you type even that
Tricia: yes, i do. you seriously make me laugh.
Gabe: i make you laugh seriously?
Gabe: that's a weird combo
Tricia: seriously gabe.
Gabe: "And here we have a display of different laughers. Exhibit A is a man who laughs boringly, Exhibit B laughes hysterically, and here in Exhibit C Tricia Allen is the 'laughing seriously' display."
Gabe: "and this one laughs his head off."
Tricia: that should go on becky's blog.
Gabe: "and finally, this guy died of laughing."